Blurry Vision

Many people aged 40 and above have vision impairment. If you’ve blurry vision, you’re not alone. Let our eye doctor in Today’s Vision, Frisco, TX, help.

Blurry vision is a condition where objects appear out of focus, unclear, and hazy. It can affect one’s ability to discern fine specifics, read text, and see details. It might appear in different stages or degrees and may affect one or both eyes. Keep reading to learn more about signs, causes, and treatment methods for blurry vision. 

blurry vision

Signs of Blurry Vision

Signs of blurry vision might differ according to the severity of the condition or the underlying cause. Some significant signs include objects appearing out of focus due to a lack of clarity or sharpness when viewing from a distance. Sensitivity to light might also accompany blurry vision as individuals are affected by bright indoor light or sunlight, worsening the perception of blurriness. Loss of contrast sensitivity, where people experience a decreased ability to distinguish color and shapes might also happen alongside blurry vision.

Common Causes of Blurry Vision

Blurry vision may be caused by refractive error, which involves farsightedness (hyperopia), nearsightedness (myopia), and astigmatism. Computer vision syndrome or eye strain are also common causes of blurry vision. In the digital age, many people spend a lot of time in front of screens consuming digital light, often associated with blurry vision signs, such as eye strain, dryness, and headache. Therefore, if you frequently work with digital devices or in front of a computer, you might want to schedule regular eye examinations with an optometrist.

Methods of Treatment for Blurry Vision

Blurry vision is a good reason for getting an eye exam. The treatment methods eye doctors can opt to use depend on the underlying conditions. Some conditions that might cause blurry vision include glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts.

Our eye doctor can prescribe either eye drops or medication, depending on the specific condition. Moreover, he can prescribe contact lenses or eyeglasses to help correct refractive errors like astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. Lifestyle adjustments can also play a role in managing blurry vision. These might involve reducing screen time, practicing good eye hygiene, maintaining proper lighting, and taking regular breaks during visual tasks.

Contact Our Optometrist in Frisco, TX, for Expert Vision Care

Do not let blurry vision hinder your life. Take the first step towards better vision by scheduling an appointment with our eye doctor. Our dedicated team is at your disposal, ready to provide expert guidance and address your concerns to help you achieve optimal eye health. Visit us at Today’s Vision in Frisco, TX, for an eye exam. Call us at (972) 954-5488 for more information about glaucoma, computer vision, and blurry vision.

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